@inproceedings{cmsw-mtgcg-11, author = {Dominik Charousset and Sebastian Meiling and Thomas C. Schmidt and Matthias W{\"a}hlisch}, title = {{A Middleware for Transparent Group Communication of Globally Distributed Actors}}, booktitle = {Proc. of the Workshop on Posters and Demos Track. ACM/IFIP/UNSENIX Middleware}, pages = {}, year = {2011}, month = {Dec.}, publisher = {ACM}, address = {New York, USA}, abstract = {Actors have been designed for loosely coupled concurrent systems based on asynchronous message passing. This model is of particular relevance for Internet-wide distribution, but cannot unfold its full potential due to the lack of a globally available messaging service for groups. We present a message-oriented publish/subscribe middleware that enables global group communication at near-IP performance. Based on this transparent group layer, we build libcppa, an Actor library with modular support for group semantics that is compliant to the new C++ standard.}, file = {../papers/cmsw-mtgcg-11.pdf}, theme = {mmcast|p2p}, }